9:00 AM09:00

Outdoor First Aid with Forestry - 1 Day Course

Join us for this outdoor first aid course with highly experienced instructor Mark Jessup. This course includes an additional forestry element.

This course will now be held at Symonds Yat, Forest of Dean. Venue TBC

Mark is a fantastic trainer, very interactive, with plenty of relevant role play.


The Qualification

The Outdoor first aid course is certified for three years and is an entry point for the REC scheme. It is the approved course for RYA, BCU, MLTB.


The Course

the outdoor first aid course is designed to introduce a systematic way of first aid for managing casualties. Topic learning and practicals intermixed with scenarios of real situations. The course includes:

  • The fundamental workings of the body, in particular the heart, lungs and airway

  • Assessing a casualty

  • Introduces a system to cope with all incidents as safely as possible

  • Deciding how to deal with an accident or incident

  • Awareness of delayed medical help and adverse environmental conditions

The Content

First aid training with the REC scheme is easy and fun. The course is progressive by building on each session, introducing new scenarios to test all techniques for:

  • Emergency: vital signs • emergency action • airway • unconscious • choking • bleeding • breathing and circulation • cpr • AED (automated external defibrillator) practical training

  • Environment: heat stress • cold stress • hot injuries • cold injuries

  • Illness: chest pain • stroke • asthma • epilepsy • diabetes

  • Injury: head • spine • chest • abdomen • pelvis • bones • soft tissue • eye

  • Rescue: transportation • communication

To accommodate the RYA syllabus our Outdoor course will include understanding the differential for drowning, immersion and seasickness.

What To Bring

This course, will be led outside so wear appropriate clothing for the weather conditions for the day. We will not be providing food on this weekend so bring along a packed lunch.

"Best first aid training I've done!" - Rewild Crew Member

Workshop: Outdoor First Aid 9/11/25 £50-£100
from £50.00

A 1 day certified First Aid at work + Forestry course.

Saturday 9th November 2025.


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Log Cabin Roundhouse Building Course : Phase 3 - Cobbing the Walls
to Aug 11

Log Cabin Roundhouse Building Course : Phase 3 - Cobbing the Walls

  • The Rewild Project Permaculture Allotment (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come and join us in completing this experimental log cabin roundhouse with the ancient art of cobbing…

In 2022 a group of 12 fantastic eco-builders in the making came together to learn a Norwegian Style Notch - everyone had a fantastic time learning to use the axes, working out angles, making new connections and generally enjoying the space.

Everyone worked so hard & 3 layers rose up from the foundations……


This year 2024 we are well on the way to complete the build!!
in Three Phases
each over a long weekend


Saturday 10th August - Cobbing

With the amazing Rosie Fieldhouse we will be using the ancient and traditional method of cobbing to seal up the walls of the roundhouse.

Cob is a wonderfully tactile material and once you have learned the basics you can apply to many different projects - create your own pizza oven, make a den for the kids, or even build your own round house!

About Rosie

Rosie found her love for using natural materials whilst studying her degree.

Rosie is focussed on sharing heritage crafts with adults and children alike – proving these traditional crafts aren’t just fossils from the past but sparks for the future to ignite new ideas and an interest in traditional making practices.

With experience in Playwork and play facilitation through outdoor education and forest school, she is particularly passionate about engaging children who may not usually have access to the outdoors or an alternative, more supportive way of learning

So come and spend some time with us - in the Beautiful Forest of Dean,
Rewilding yourself and honing these physical and enjoyable skills.


Building buildings,
building community,
Rewilding ourselves.


Delicious Hearty Meals

Over the weekend you will be fed:





Our fantastic chefs will provide hearty breakfast, lunch, hot drinks and snacks throughout each day.


You will camp out together at a private camping field with full facilities,
and learn all the skills needed to build your very own log cabin round house.


Daily Rhythm



The knowledge and skills you will go away with:

Site Overview:

We will start with an overview of The Rewild Project 3/4 Acre Permaculture Allotment and how the plot has been transformed and soil been build over 7 years using a Forest Garden, edible perennial growing system, chop and drop system.

Roundwood Building Techniques:

Discussion about various roundwood building techniques & options.

Reciprocal Roof

A reciprocal roof is a self-supporting spiral of timbers where each timber rests on the next and needs no central support. It leaves a round skylight that brings light into the room.


How to assess the suitability of subsoil for making cob, and how to determine the right ratios for making a strong, long lasting mix.
We will then be applying this to the building through various methods.

Lime Render

A discussion on the benefits and applications of lime render.

Ground works:

Groundworks will already be in place prior to commencement of the course.
We will discuss and evaluate different approaches and methods available for groundworks, foundations and what the environmental considerations would be.

Notches - Simple Lap Joints

These are quick easy joints which can easily be mastered by anyone using chisels, mallets & saws - tools that most people have to hand.

With 12 attendees you will split into groups of two to scribe one of the six sides each.

Straw Bale

Various methods of insulating & finishing walls will be discussed, one of which is straw bale construction.

Social & Sustainable Forestry

We will be using Sweet Chestnut, coppiced locally by our social forestry team who are teaching local people new skills and bringing local disused Forestry England woodland back into rotation.

Throughout this course we aim to create a demonstration of how to build simply with local materials and create answers to the current housing, economic and ecological crisis.

More about your course leaders…

Scott Baine

Rewild Project Founder will be leading the course. Scott learned this building technique during his previous life living in the wild in Sweden.

Click on his picture to read more…

Emma Gleave

Will be on hand to support the build, and assist with organisations, logistic and is looking forward meeting new people and and the sense of achievement on completing a project.

Click on her picture to read more…


The Rewild Project is a Not for Profit, Community Interest Company, and Social Enterprise. It is our mission to support local craftspeople and promote heritage craft skills.

We Rewild People by teaching skills in self reliance and resilience for an uncertain future.

After the craftspeople are paid, and costs are covered we put any profits back in to the community.

Families & Children

You are welcome to bring well behaved children to this workshops, although we cannot guarantee you will have the same experience we will do our best to accommodate you all.

Children aged 9-13 will need a half price child’s ticket (add below) and will need to be accompanied by a full paying adult. 14 and over will need a full priced ticket, and will also nee to be accompanied by a full paying adult.

Sliding Scale Payment

We trust that you will choose the payment level that feels most appropriate. We aim to keep all our courses affordable, and the bursary places are subsidised by the full price places.


Book Here

Workshop: Log Cabin Roundhouse Phase Three: 10.08.24

A weekend course to cob the walls of our 4M Log Cabin Roundhouse.

Local, organic food provided.

Camping Accommodation on private camping field with hot showers provided.

Based at The Rewild Project Permaculture Allotment.

Child's Workshop Ticket
from £15.00

Spending time with your little people, learning new skills can be a wonderful experience. We love having a range of ages around and young people bring with them different ways of seeing the world, a different kind of creativity.

This crafts person is happy to welcome young people onto this workshop.

  • Under 8’s are free

  • 8-13 require 1 child’s ticket per day.

  • Over 13’s require an adult ticket.

Your child remains your responsibility at all times, if the workshop leader deems your child to be a safety risk to the session, you may be asked to leave & this would be non refundable.

Please choose the correct half price rate.

Any Questions? Contact us here…

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Green Gathering 2024
to Aug 4

Green Gathering 2024

  • The Rewild Project CIC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

2023 was an interesting and challenging year in many ways!

We were both upset by a very small number of protestors who wanted to stop us doing our work, and also bowled over by the amount of community support we also received for the work we did.

And we have been invited back to the Green Gathering to continue this important work.

Debate is always invited, conflict = energy after all!

We believe in connected local food systems, using waste, and staying away from corporate industrialised supermarkets and mono-cropped grain based, destructive systems.

And it seems this is enough of a crossover with the aims of the festival - so we shall return once again!

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Rekindle Youth AR - Actual Reality Holiday Club!
to Aug 15

Rekindle Youth AR - Actual Reality Holiday Club!

  • The Rewild Project Permaculture Allotment (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Every workshop we run is on a Sliding Scale for affordability.

  • Choose the rate that feels fair and affordable for YOUR family.

  • Fill lout the information form for each day.

  • For multiple days, you only need to add the name/DOB.

Bookings Open NOW


Bookings Open NOW 〰️

Rekindle A-R Summer '24 - Tues 23/08
from £10.00

Booking for 1 day of A-R - Actual Reality Teen Holiday Club!

Ages 11-17


Includes all food, snacks, crafts

Rekindle A-R Summer '24 - Wed 24/07
from £10.00

Booking for 1 day of A-R - Actual Reality Teen Holiday Club!

Ages 11-17


Includes all food, snacks, crafts

Rekindle A-R Summer '24 - Thurs 25/07
from £10.00

Booking for 1 day of A-R - Actual Reality Teen Holiday Club!

Ages 11-17


Includes all food, snacks, crafts

Rekindle A-R Summer '24 - Fri 26/07
from £10.00

Booking for 1 day of A-R - Actual Reality Teen Holiday Club!

Ages 11-17


Includes all food, snacks, crafts

Rekindle A-R Summer '24 - Wed 7/08
from £10.00

Booking for 1 day of A-R - Actual Reality Teen Holiday Club!

Ages 11-17


Includes all food, snacks, crafts

Rekindle A-R Summer '24 - Thurs 8/08
from £10.00

Booking for 1 day of A-R - Actual Reality Teen Holiday Club!

Ages 11-17


Includes all food, snacks, crafts

Rekindle A-R Summer '24 - Fri 9/08
from £10.00

Booking for 1 day of A-R - Actual Reality Teen Holiday Club!

Ages 11-17


Includes all food, snacks, crafts

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Wildlings Summer Holiday Club 2024
to Aug 22

Wildlings Summer Holiday Club 2024

  • The Rewild Project Permaculture Allotment (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Send your little wildlings to join the REWILD team for a fun packed, creative

Summer ‘24
Holiday Club

at Noxon Permaculture Allotment


Each day we offer a range of

heritage crafts

nature and land based activities,

plus large scale play,

free & ‘risky’ play…


Top Class Outdoor / Nature Based Fun


Daily Rhythm

Each day is gently structured to provide enough time for your wildlings energy to flow

both inwards and outwards

coming together for:

circle times

Where we eat nourishing food together

exploring the senses,

the seasons

and listen to traditional & seasonal stories.


Lunch & Snacks Provided

First Class Food = First Class Fun

We know that nourishment is one of the most important factors in having a great day out.

Playing hard takes energy & low blood sugar can mean melt downs!! 

Plus good food means sending money back to the local growers

teaching our wildlings what WHOLE FOODS are

and how yummy they are is central to everything we do!

Hot Nourishing Food Included



wholesome morning snack 

Porridge with Fruit, cinnamon, seeds, honey or oatcakes / rice cakes / pancakes - including seeds, yogurt, dates and other healthy delights!


A nourishing afternoon snack 

of oat cakes or rice cakes, peanut butter, stewed fruit, fresh fruit, raisins, cheese, cucumber…

Talk about good food education!

We don’t just talk about it - we LIVE it. 

We Walk the walk, and lead by example & sooo many of our wildlings go home asking to help with the cooking, trying new things and understanding how to Eat a Rainbow!!


Something for Everyone

We have met the needs of many young people with additional needs here.

The unique open environment seems to suit kids who struggle in mainstream education and we are able to give them the space they need to find their place, without pressure.

We work with each family individually to make adjustments, or have a visit a few days before the club starts to ease nerves. We have quiet spaces and are very flexible.

If you’re not sure, get in touch, and we can discuss your child’s personal needs and how we can best meet them.



We always ensure we have a high staff:child ratio

well above the recommended OFSTED ratio’s.

We just don’t see how we can provide

  • high quality care

  • the high level of freedom & support

  • the high quality crafts that we do without this amazing team

Fair trade fair wages

We pay all our crew at £15ph across the board.

It feels fair to pay people a fair wage that they can live from.

We want to move towards a society where we can all contribute without the need for money,

living from the land, in harmony with the seasons.

But until we have our own land, our crew need to earn a decent wage.


Bring your young wild ones to hang out with our team:

Leah, Hannes, Emma, Yasmin & Jess

to have outdoor fun, crafts, egg hunt, painting and all the usual fun & frolics!

Top Class Food




Jam Packed 

Nature Based Learning



Bookings Open Now


Bookings Open Now 〰️

Wildlings Summer '24 Holiday Craft Club - Tues 23/7
from £20.00

Booking for 1 day of Spring Holiday outdoor wild, free and RISKY play!!


Healthy whole food, nutritious lunch, cooked onsite from scratch each day.
Includes all snacks and drinks.

High ratio of staff:children to cater for extra lively & high needs.

Outdoors all day, with warm / covered space if needed.

Wildlings Summer '24 Holiday Craft Club - Wed 24/7
from £20.00

Booking for 1 day of Spring Holiday outdoor wild, free and RISKY play!!


Healthy whole food, nutritious lunch, cooked onsite from scratch each day.
Includes all snacks and drinks.

High ratio of staff:children to cater for extra lively & high needs.

Outdoors all day, with warm / covered space if needed.

Wildlings Summer '24 Holiday Craft Club - Thurs 25/7
from £20.00

Booking for 1 day of Spring Holiday outdoor wild, free and RISKY play!!


Healthy whole food, nutritious lunch, cooked onsite from scratch each day.
Includes all snacks and drinks.

High ratio of staff:children to cater for extra lively & high needs.

Outdoors all day, with warm / covered space if needed.

Wildlings Summer '24 Holiday Craft Club - Fri 26/7
from £20.00

Booking for 1 day of Spring Holiday outdoor wild, free and RISKY play!!


Healthy whole food, nutritious lunch, cooked onsite from scratch each day.
Includes all snacks and drinks.

High ratio of staff:children to cater for extra lively & high needs.

Outdoors all day, with warm / covered space if needed.

Wildlings Summer '24 Holiday Craft Club - Wed 7/8
from £20.00

Booking for 1 day of Spring Holiday outdoor wild, free and RISKY play!!


Healthy whole food, nutritious lunch, cooked onsite from scratch each day.
Includes all snacks and drinks.

High ratio of staff:children to cater for extra lively & high needs.

Outdoors all day, with warm / covered space if needed.

Wildlings Summer '24 Holiday Craft Club - Thurs 8/8
from £20.00

Booking for 1 day of Spring Holiday outdoor wild, free and RISKY play!!


Healthy whole food, nutritious lunch, cooked onsite from scratch each day.
Includes all snacks and drinks.

High ratio of staff:children to cater for extra lively & high needs.

Outdoors all day, with warm / covered space if needed.

Wildlings Summer '24 Holiday Craft Club - Fri 9/8
from £20.00

Booking for 1 day of Spring Holiday outdoor wild, free and RISKY play!!


Healthy whole food, nutritious lunch, cooked onsite from scratch each day.
Includes all snacks and drinks.

High ratio of staff:children to cater for extra lively & high needs.

Outdoors all day, with warm / covered space if needed.

Wildlings Summer '24 Holiday Craft Club -Mon 12/08
from £20.00

Booking for 1 day of Spring Holiday outdoor wild, free and RISKY play!!


Healthy whole food, nutritious lunch, cooked onsite from scratch each day.
Includes all snacks and drinks.

High ratio of staff:children to cater for extra lively & high needs.

Outdoors all day, with warm / covered space if needed.

Wildlings Summer '24 Holiday Craft Club -Tues. 13/08
from £20.00

Booking for 1 day of Spring Holiday outdoor wild, free and RISKY play!!


Healthy whole food, nutritious lunch, cooked onsite from scratch each day.
Includes all snacks and drinks.

High ratio of staff:children to cater for extra lively & high needs.

Outdoors all day, with warm / covered space if needed.

Wildlings Summer '24 Holiday Craft Club - Wed 14/08
from £20.00

Booking for 1 day of Spring Holiday outdoor wild, free and RISKY play!!


Healthy whole food, nutritious lunch, cooked onsite from scratch each day.
Includes all snacks and drinks.

High ratio of staff:children to cater for extra lively & high needs.

Outdoors all day, with warm / covered space if needed.

Wildlings Summer '24 Holiday Craft Club - Thurs 15/08
from £20.00

Booking for 1 day of Spring Holiday outdoor wild, free and RISKY play!!


Healthy whole food, nutritious lunch, cooked onsite from scratch each day.
Includes all snacks and drinks.

High ratio of staff:children to cater for extra lively & high needs.

Outdoors all day, with warm / covered space if needed.

Wildlings Summer '24 Holiday Craft Club - Fri 16/08
from £20.00

Booking for 1 day of Spring Holiday outdoor wild, free and RISKY play!!


Healthy whole food, nutritious lunch, cooked onsite from scratch each day.
Includes all snacks and drinks.

High ratio of staff:children to cater for extra lively & high needs.

Outdoors all day, with warm / covered space if needed.



“My son never ate vegetables at home until going to the Rewild Holiday Club - now he wants to help prepare food with me and is so much more open to trying new things” 
- Bream parent.

“I love going to Rewild during the holidays, I see all my rewild friends & I love playing with the real tools there, planting seeds and picking food to eat for dinner. We play tig, hide and seek, and pick apples”

“I would have loved to home educate my kids doing a nature based education, but I’m not able to right now. I absolutely love that my kids can get all the crafts and nature skills at Wildlings during the holidays, it’s an absolute lifeline to us as a respite from formal mainstream schools, they all love going so much and learn so much about growing food, and the crafts they come home with are amazing - not like any other children’s craft group I’ve ever seen. Thank you so much for all that you do in our com

- Local Parent

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Log Cabin Roundhouse Building Course : Phase 2 - Reciprocal Roof
to Jul 21

Log Cabin Roundhouse Building Course : Phase 2 - Reciprocal Roof

  • The Rewild Project Permaculture Allotment (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come and join us in completing this experimental log cabin roundhouse.

In 2022 a group of 12 fantastic eco-builders in the making came together to learn a Norwegian Style Notch - everyone had a fantastic time learning to use the axes, working out angles, making new connections and generally enjoying the space.

Everyone worked so hard & 3 layers rose up from the foundations……


In 2024 we will complete the build!!
in Three Phases
each over a long weekend


So come and spend some time with us - in the Beautiful Forest of Dean,
Rewilding yourself and honing these physical and enjoyable skills.

Building buildings,
building community,
Rewilding ourselves.


Delicious Hearty Meals

Over the weekend you will be fed:





Our fantastic chefs will provide hearty breakfast, lunch, hot drinks and snacks throughout each day.


You will camp out together at a private camping field with full facilities,
and learn all the skills needed to build your very own log cabin round house.


Daily Rhythm



The knowledge and skills you will go away with:

Site Overview:

We will start with an overview of The Rewild Project 3/4 Acre Permaculture Allotment and how the plot has been transformed and soil been build over 7 years using a Forest Garden, edible perennial growing system, chop and drop system.

Roundwood Building Techniques:

Discussion about various roundwood building techniques & options.

Reciprocal Roof

A reciprocal roof is a self-supporting spiral of timbers where each timber rests on the next and needs no central support. It leaves a round skylight that brings light into the room.


How to assess the suitability of subsoil for making cob, and how to determine the right ratios for making a strong, long lasting mix. We will then be applying this to the building through various methods.

Lime Render

A discussion on the benefits and applications of lime render.

Ground works:

Groundworks will already be in place prior to commencement of the course.
We will discuss and evaluate different approaches and methods available for groundworks, foundations and what the environmental considerations would be.

Notches - Simple Lap Joints

These are quick easy joints which can easily be mastered by anyone using chisels, mallets & saws - tools that most people have to hand.

With 12 attendees you will split into groups of two to scribe one of the six sides each.

Straw Bale

Various methods of insulating & finishing walls will be discussed, one of which is straw bale construction.

Social & Sustainable Forestry

We will be using Sweet Chestnut, coppiced locally by our social forestry team who are teaching local people new skills and bringing local disused Forestry England woodland back into rotation.

Throughout this course we aim to create a demonstration of how to build simply with local materials and create answers to the current housing, economic and ecological crisis.

More about your course leaders…

Scott Baine

Rewild Project Founder will be leading the course. Scott learned this building technique during his previous life living in the wild in Sweden.

Click on his picture to read more…

Emma Gleave

Will be on hand to support the build, and assist with organisations, logistic and is looking forward meeting new people and and the sense of achievement on completing a project.

Click on her picture to read more…


The Rewild Project is a Not for Profit, Community Interest Company, and Social Enterprise. It is our mission to support local craftspeople and promote heritage craft skills.

We Rewild People by teaching skills in self reliance and resilience for an uncertain future.

After the craftspeople are paid, and costs are covered we put any profits back in to the community.

Families & Children

You are welcome to bring well behaved children to this workshops, although we cannot guarantee you will have the same experience we will do our best to accommodate you all.

Children aged 9-13 will need a half price child’s ticket (add below) and will need to be accompanied by a full paying adult. 14 and over will need a full priced ticket, and will also nee to be accompanied by a full paying adult.

Sliding Scale Payment

We trust that you will choose the payment level that feels most appropriate. We aim to keep all our courses affordable, and the bursary places are subsidised by the full price places.


Book Here

Workshop: Log Cabin Roundhouse Phase Two: 06.09.24
from £120.00

A weekend course to complete the walls of our 4M Log Cabin Roundhouse.

Local, organic food provided.

Camping Accommodation on private camping field with hot showers provided.

Based at The Rewild Project Permaculture Allotment.

Child's Workshop Ticket
from £15.00

Spending time with your little people, learning new skills can be a wonderful experience. We love having a range of ages around and young people bring with them different ways of seeing the world, a different kind of creativity.

This crafts person is happy to welcome young people onto this workshop.

  • Under 8’s are free

  • 8-13 require 1 child’s ticket per day.

  • Over 13’s require an adult ticket.

Your child remains your responsibility at all times, if the workshop leader deems your child to be a safety risk to the session, you may be asked to leave & this would be non refundable.

Please choose the correct half price rate.

Camping options for: Roundhouse Completion Phase Two 19.07.24
from £30.00

Bring your own tent or live in vehicle, which is included in the workshop cost of the weekend or we can supply you with a ready set up option with a log burner, kindling and wood - add your choice below.

The price is for UP TO 3 nights camping: Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

The field is self contained with water, toilet, shower and kitchen facilities.

  • Our project geodome is 5M and has dorm space for 6 single camping spaces and has a log burner - you need to bring your own sleeping bags and roll mats or add these to the booking. Usual price: £15per night

  • Our bell tent has a log burner and has 2 comfortable, spacious sleeping spaces. Usual price: £30per night

  • If you require bedding we have 4 luxury sets available: includes a self inflating mattress, sheepskins, pillows, and high quality minus 30-40 sleeping bags. £30per night

Any Questions? Contact us here…

View Event →
Da-a-Luz Love Dome @ Buddahfield
6:00 PM18:00

Da-a-Luz Love Dome @ Buddahfield

We will be supporting the Da-a-luz love dome will be at Buddafield - absolutely can not wait!!

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Gathering the Tribe Work DAY
9:30 AM09:30

Gathering the Tribe Work DAY

Last weekend doing the log cabin course was an absolute blast, it felt so good to have people around the place, working together and enjoying the plot.

So I’d like to invite you to come and enjoy with me this Sunday.

You will get in return:

  • Great company.

  • Experience of a forest garden

  • Learn about edible perennials

  • Eat amazing local, organic & wild foods.

  • Fitness - who needs a Gym, I love the ‘farm fit’ idea…. this beats any indoor fake setting of a gym… spending the day outdoor boost endorphines and improves mood & fitness… yes also burns calories if you believe that nonsense too!.

  • Go home with cuttings / suckers for your own land / garden space.

  • Come gather with like minded people share ideas, change the world!!

The kind of jobs we will be doing is pruning, pulling nettles, training climbers, tidying up, building, cardboard mulching, and generally havng a laugh and getting organised.

Scott is away at the Lithica Ancestral Skills gathering, so its just me - Emma

Please book either free or what you are able to contribute below.

Gathering The Tribe Work Day 7-7-24
from £0.00

A work day at the Rewild Permaculture Allotment, Noxon Farm, including Lunch.

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Log Cabin Roundhouse Building Course : Phase 1 - Lap-Joints
to Jun 30

Log Cabin Roundhouse Building Course : Phase 1 - Lap-Joints

  • The Rewild Project Permaculture Allotment (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

At a Glance

Location: Forest of Dean

Places: 12

No. of days: 2.5

Meals Included: Friday Supper, Saturday & Sunday Breakfast, Lunch , Snacks Refreshments.

** All food is sourced Locally Ethically / Wild / Organic / Paleo / Ancestral / Veggie catered for.

Camping for the weekend Included

Sliding Scale Cost: From £120

Come and join us in completing this experimental log cabin roundhouse.

In 2022 a group of 12 fantastic eco-builders in the making came together to learn a Norwegian Style Notch - everyone had a fantastic time learning to use the axes, working out angles, making new connections and generally enjoying the space.

Everyone worked so hard & 3 layers rose up from the foundations……


In 2024 we will complete the build!!
in Three Phases
each over a long weekend


So come and spend some time with us - in the Beautiful Forest of Dean,
Rewilding yourself and honing these physical and enjoyable skills.

Building buildings,
building community,
Rewilding ourselves.


Delicious Hearty Meals

Over the weekend you will be fed:





Our fantastic chefs will provide hearty breakfast, lunch, hot drinks and snacks throughout each day.

You will camp out together at a private camping field with full facilities,
and learn all the skills needed to build your very own log cabin round house.

Daily Rhythm


The knowledge and skills you will go away with:

Site Overview:

We will start with an overview of The Rewild Project 3/4 Acre Permaculture Allotment and how the plot has been transformed and soil been build over 7 years using a Forest Garden, edible perennial growing system, chop and drop system.

Roundwood Building Techniques:

Discussion about various roundwood building techniques & options.

Reciprocal Roof

A reciprocal roof is a self-supporting spiral of timbers where each timber rests on the next and needs no central support. It leaves a round skylight that brings light into the room.


How to assess the suitability of subsoil for making cob, and how to determine the right ratios for making a strong, long lasting mix. We will then be applying this to the building through various methods.

Lime Render

A discussion on the benefits and applications of lime render.

Ground works:

Groundworks will already be in place prior to commencement of the course.
We will discuss and evaluate different approaches and methods available for groundworks, foundations and what the environmental considerations would be.

Notches - Simple Lap Joints

These are quick easy joints which can easily be mastered by anyone using chisels, mallets & saws - tools that most people have to hand.

With 12 attendees you will split into groups of two to scribe one of the six sides each.

Straw Bale

Various methods of insulating & finishing walls will be discussed, one of which is straw bale construction.

Social & Sustainable Forestry

We will be using Sweet Chestnut, coppiced locally by our social forestry team who are teaching local people new skills and bringing local disused Forestry England woodland back into rotation.

Throughout this course we aim to create a demonstration of how to build simply with local materials and create answers to the current housing, economic and ecological crisis.

More about your course leaders…

Scott Baine

Rewild Project Founder will be leading the course. Scott learned this building technique during his previous life living in the wild in Sweden.

Click on his picture to read more…

Emma Gleave

Will be on hand to support the build, and assist with organisations, logistic and is looking forward meeting new people and and the sense of achievement on completing a project.

Click on her picture to read more…


The Rewild Project is a Not for Profit, Community Interest Company, and Social Enterprise. It is our mission to support local craftspeople and promote heritage craft skills.

We Rewild People by teaching skills in self reliance and resilience for an uncertain future.

After the craftspeople are paid, and costs are covered we put any profits back in to the community.

Families & Children

You are welcome to bring well behaved children to this workshops, although we cannot guarantee you will have the same experience we will do our best to accommodate you all.

Children aged 9-13 will need a half price child’s ticket (add below) and will need to be accompanied by a full paying adult. 14 and over will need a full priced ticket, and will also nee to be accompanied by a full paying adult.

Sliding Scale Payment

We trust that you will choose the payment level that feels most appropriate. We aim to keep all our courses affordable, and the bursary places are subsidised by the full price places.


Book Here

Workshop: Log Cabin Roundhouse Phase One: 28.06.24
from £120.00

A weekend course to complete the walls of our 4M Log Cabin Roundhouse.

Local, organic food provided.

Camping Accommodation on private camping field with hot showers provided.

Based at The Rewild Project Permaculture Allotment.

Child's Workshop Ticket
from £15.00

Spending time with your little people, learning new skills can be a wonderful experience. We love having a range of ages around and young people bring with them different ways of seeing the world, a different kind of creativity.

This crafts person is happy to welcome young people onto this workshop.

  • Under 8’s are free

  • 8-13 require 1 child’s ticket per day.

  • Over 13’s require an adult ticket.

Your child remains your responsibility at all times, if the workshop leader deems your child to be a safety risk to the session, you may be asked to leave & this would be non refundable.

Please choose the correct half price rate.

Camping options for: Roundhouse Completion Phase One - 28.04.24
from £30.00

Bring your own tent or live in vehicle, which is included in the workshop cost of the weekend or we can supply you with a ready set up option with a log burner, kindling and wood - add your choice below.

The price is for UP TO 3 nights camping: Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

The field is self contained with water, toilet, shower and kitchen facilities.

  • Our project geodome is 5M and has dorm space for 6 single camping spaces and has a log burner - you need to bring your own sleeping bags and roll mats or add these to the booking. Usual price: £15per night

  • Our bell tent has a log burner and has 2 comfortable, spacious sleeping spaces. Usual price: £30per night

  • If you require bedding we have 4 luxury sets available: includes a self inflating mattress, sheepskins, pillows, and high quality minus 30-40 sleeping bags. £30per night

Any Questions? Contact us here…

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Making the Most of Your Deer - Rewild Weekend
to May 12

Making the Most of Your Deer - Rewild Weekend

  • The Rewild Project CIC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Are you interested how traditional skills can shape a better future?

Have you ever wanted to pick up a ROAD KILL but didn't know if it was safe or legal?

Join us,

in the heart of the Forest of Dean to learn the traditional skill of processing
a WHOLE DEER including hide tanning.

At a Glance

Location: Forest of Dean

Places: 12

No. of days: 2.5

Meals Included: Friday Supper, Saturday & Sunday Breakfast, Lunch , Snacks Refreshments.

** All food is sourced Locally Ethically / Wild / Organic / Paleo / Ancestral / Veggie catered for.

Sliding Scale Cost: From £140

** Includes Weekend Camping / Glamping Options Extra **

Using an entire intact deer you will first learn how to create a connection with the spirit of the animal, honouring and giving thanks for the beauty of life.

We will then discuss picking up roadkill and other ways to safely, ethically and legally source wild meat.

You will learn about various skinning and butchering techniques then looking at the anatomy and the organs to fully utilise for not just cooking and eating but also for tool making and other ancestral implements & crafts.

We will then move onto butchery and different ethos of cooking and eating and ways of preserving and you will even be able to take some delights away with you.

There will be discussions and demonstrations on the use of the skins and organic tanning methods,

You will have the opportunity to get involved in all aspects of the processing: grallocking, skinning, butchering and cooking.

We usually cook up a medley of delicious fresh organ meats and there will be an opportunity to take some fresh meat home with you - please bring cash or card.

Top Class Food

All the food we provide on our workshops & courses comes from local growers and producers.

This is super important to us, because it’s these people who are caring for the earth.

Shopping in supermarkets gives these big bully boy corporations all the power

Disempowering our farming hero’s

Supermarkets put pressure on farmers to give lower prices for more produce.

Raping our precious earth.

Leading this day is our skilled and experienced tanner and project Co-Director Scott Baine.

The Venue

This course is set at our off-grid 3/4 Acre Forest Garden / Permaculture Allotment. Here we have a fully kitted outdoor kitchen, uncover space, warm space and compost toilet.

The site may not be suitable for some people with physical disabilities - please get in touch if you are concerned.


Booking Info


The Rewild Project is a Not for Profit, Community Interest Company, and Social Enterprise. It is our mission to support local craftspeople and promote heritage craft skills.

We Rewild People by teaching skills in self reliance and resilience for an uncertain future.

After the craftspeople are paid, and costs are covered we put any profits back in to the community.

Families & Children

You are welcome to bring well behaved children to this workshops, although we cannot guarantee you will have the same experience we will do our best to accommodate you all.

Children aged 9-12 will need a half price child’s ticket (add below) and will need to be accompanied by a full paying adult. 13 and over will need a full priced ticket, and will also nee to be accompanied by a full paying adult.

Sliding Scale Payment

We trust that you will choose the payment level that feels most appropriate. We aim to keep all our courses affordable, and the bursary places are subsidised by the full price places.

Book NOW!

Child's Workshop Ticket
from £15.00

Spending time with your little people, learning new skills can be a wonderful experience. We love having a range of ages around and young people bring with them different ways of seeing the world, a different kind of creativity.

This crafts person is happy to welcome young people onto this workshop.

  • Under 8’s are free

  • 8-13 require 1 child’s ticket per day.

  • Over 13’s require an adult ticket.

Your child remains your responsibility at all times, if the workshop leader deems your child to be a safety risk to the session, you may be asked to leave & this would be non refundable.

Please choose the correct half price rate.

Camping options for: Making The Most of Your Deer 10.05.24
from £30.00

Bring your own tent or live in vehicle, which is included in the workshop cost of the weekend or we can supply you with a ready set up option with a log burner, kindling and wood - add your choice below.

The price is for UP TO 3 nights camping: Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

The field is self contained with water, toilet, shower and kitchen facilities.

  • Our project geodome is 5M and has dorm space for 6 single camping spaces and has a log burner - you need to bring your own sleeping bags and roll mats or add these to the booking. Usual price: £35per night

  • Our bell tent has a log burner and has 2 comfortable, spacious sleeping spaces. Usual price: £45per night

  • If you require bedding we have 3 sets available which includes a self inflating mattress, sheepskins, pillows, and high quality minus 30-40 sleeping bags. £30per night

Any queries get in touch here

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Sheepskin Tanning - Rewild Weekend
to Apr 27

Sheepskin Tanning - Rewild Weekend

  • The Rewild Project CIC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

At a Glance

Location: Forest of Dean

Places: 5

No. of days: 2.5

Meals Included: Friday Supper, Saturday & Sunday Breakfast, Lunch , Snacks Refreshments.

** All food is sourced Locally Ethically / Wild / Organic / Paleo / Ancestral / Veggie catered for.

Sliding Scale Cost: From £250

What’s it all About?

Are you interested how traditional skills can shape a better future?

Have you ever wondered what happens to the millions of animal skins that are slaughtered through industrial food systems?

Maybe you know that almost all commercially produced leather & skins are treated
with Chromium a heavy metal
which renders the material IN-ORGANIC!!!

You are invited to join us, in the heart of the Forest of Dean to learn the traditional skill of
natural, organic, ethical, hide tanning.

Using a Shetland Sheepskin you will first learn how to create a connection with the spirit of the animal, honouring and giving thanks for the animals life,
before getting hands on and creating your very own, unique, beautiful organic tanned skin.

You will learn about various tanning techniques from around the world and what works best here in our climate and for the purpose of creating a beautiful soft sheepskin in a weekend.

There will be discussions and demonstrations on the use of the skins and organic tanning methods,

Tanning is physical work, and our team will ensure you are well catered for throughout the course.

About Scott

Leading this day is our skilled and experienced tanner and project Co-Director Scott Baine.

Scott has travelled across the world exploring, learning and practicing earth based ancestral skills.

He has learnt in the wilds of Scotland, Canada, USA, Sweden and Norway.

Being in contact with First Nations and Sami peoples brought him to a spiritual realisation. From this he joined a collective of likeminded people and formed a tribe living in the wilderness in Scandinavia. From here they organised DIY wilderness gatherings creating a unique environment for learning to happen.

Scott’s main focus on traditional tanning came from his time at renowned handicraft folk school in Sweden, which taught him to be resourceful not just with animal skins, but the whole animal being used as a means for surviving and thriving in the wild.

On his return to the UK, some 15 years ago Scott set up one of the UK’s only Ethical Organic Tanneries:

Teaching people in the Forest of Dean, and at festivals around the UK how to make use of waste from road kill, hunting and the food (waste) system. Sine then many others have followed suit - growing and reviving this fantastic, lineage and symbiosis with wild and domesticated animals

The Venue

This course is set at our off-grid 3/4 Acre Forest Garden / Permaculture Allotment. Here we have a fully kitted outdoor kitchen, uncover space, warm space and compost toilet.

The site may not be suitable for some people with physical disabilities - please get in touch if you are concerned.


Booking Information


The Rewild Project is a Not for Profit, Community Interest Company, and Social Enterprise. It is our mission to support local craftspeople and promote heritage craft skills.

We Rewild People by teaching skills in self reliance and resilience for an uncertain future.

After the craftspeople are paid, and costs are covered we put any profits back in to the community.

Families & Children

You are welcome to bring well behaved children to this workshops, although we cannot guarantee you will have the same experience we will do our best to accommodate you all.

Children aged 9-12 will need a half price child’s ticket (add below) and will need to be accompanied by a full paying adult. 13 and over will need a full priced ticket, and will also nee to be accompanied by a full paying adult.

Sliding Scale Payment

We trust that you will choose the payment level that feels most appropriate. We aim to keep all our courses affordable, and the bursary places are subsidised by the full price places.

Book Here

Workshop: Sheepskin Tanning - Rewild Weekend 27.04.24
from £245.00

A 3 day weekend course

Includes: A raw rare / heritage breed sheepskin which will be yours to keep.

Includes: Expert instruction, all tools and equipment necessary.

Includes: Full guidance through the process of tanning to go away with the finished product at the end of the weekend.

Includes: All local, organic hearty & nourishing food. Friday - Sunday.

Includes: Camping accommodation in your own tent or live in vehicle on private camping field.

Includes: Hot showers.

Includes: Daily Qi Gong Practice.

Includes: Trip to St Anthony’s Well - Tuition on cold plunge and coaching through recommended breath-work practice.

Child's Workshop Ticket
from £15.00

Camping options for: Sheepskin Tanning 27.04.24
from £30.00

Bring your own tent or live in vehicle, which is included in the workshop cost of the weekend or we can supply you with a ready set up option with a log burner, kindling and wood - add your choice below.

The price is for UP TO 3 nights camping: Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

The field is self contained with water, toilet, shower and kitchen facilities.

  • Our project geodome is 5M and has dorm space for 6 single camping spaces and has a log burner - you need to bring your own sleeping bags and roll mats or add these to the booking. Usual price: £35per night

  • Our bell tent has a log burner and has 2 comfortable, spacious sleeping spaces. Usual price: £45per night

  • If you require bedding we have 3 sets available which includes a self inflating mattress, sheepskins, pillows, and high quality minus 30-40 sleeping bags. £30per night

Any questions? Get in touch here…

View Event →
Rewild Family Camp - Spring '24
to Apr 12

Rewild Family Camp - Spring '24

Bring your whole family to join the REWILD team for a fun packed, WILD:

Spring ‘24 (Easter)
Family Camp

at biblins, woodcraft folk campsite
SymonDs Yat / Forest of Dean

This campsite gives us all the benefits of being nestled in some truly amazing wild landscape
to explore and enjoy,
whilst having the benefits of some modern day luxuries like showers and toilets!

We will have use of the picnic barn, as well as our own 5m Geodome
and a Fab Fire Circle well stocked with firewood.


On this EPIC Family camp,
like no other:

We will become an ancestral clan…

each day cooking together around the fire

crafting together

exploring nature and land based activities,

free , wiid & ‘risky’ play…


This is a Truly Top Class
Rewilding Immersion Opportunity

We’ve been working with people of all ages here in the Forest of Dean

For many years now,

and this idea we have been incubating for so long!

Bringing people with a similar ethos as us together.

Creating opportunity for nourishing our souls and spirits


Natural Rhythms

Each day will follow a rhythm

like the rhythm of breathing…
both inwards and outwards

Providing enough time for our energy to flow

Circling together:

To eat nourishing food

Exploring our senses,

The seasons

New Skills

Led by the example of our inspirational crew

and listen to traditional & seasonal stories.

Spiralling Outwards

To explore



Re-Wild Foods

We know that nourishment & nutrition is such an important topic…

With busy lives, and so many (toxic) convenience foods all around..

It almost impossible to surround our children with healthy options

We want our short time with them to be joyful

YET the toxic consumerism seeps into almost every aspect of our lives

Nourishing Wild & Ancestral Food Included

The menu isn’t yet set - but this is how we usually roll

Preparing food together

Leaving processed, artificially sweetened food and drinks behind

Nourishing ourselves with local spring water and best quality, low carb foods.

We’d love to be fully Paleo on this camp, let us know what you think when booking…

Many of these wildlings don’t eat whole foods at home

BUT we have some magic ingredients….




wholesome Breakfast

Eggs and meat are a great way to start your day,
or there will be porridge, bananas, fruit nuts and seeds for the kiddos a bit earlier.


A nourishing tea time

Something simple and easy to cook over the fire together as we reflect on our days activities.

Talk about good food education!

We won’t be talking about it - we will just be LIVING it. 

We will walk the walk,
and lead by example - together as a clan.

sooo many of our wildlings go home asking to help with the cooking, trying new things
- we know this is the way

Strength in numbers - the nuclear family was a terrible invention for our children.

Something for Everyone

We have met the needs of many young people with additional needs.

Our unique open approach seems to suit kids who struggle in mainstream education and we are able to give them the space they need to find their place, without pressure.

Families of the REWILDING disposition seem to have been blessed with fiesty spirited children

Children with STRONG WILL forces

And that is just what we need to nurture

for an uncertain future

Lets give these beautiful souls
what they have been asking us for:

Higher quality skills training

Better opportunities for well managed risky play opportunities

REAL people to connect with

REAL outdoor experiences

More friends and grownups who understand and love them for


Rewild Family camp CREW

We would love to tell you more about how amazing, and life changing this camp will be

But the truth is - that we don’t know yet!

We need you to book

And tell like minded friends

We always offer sliding scale payments to keep everything we do as accessible as we can

We will keep adding info here as we receive booking and can confirm another of our amazing crew…

What we can tell you is that we work with creative, passionate, energetic people
Who love to share

Love to live wild

And also want to build this clan


Bring your wild ones big and small to hang out with our awesome team:

to have outdoor fun, crafts, egg hunt, painting and fun & frolics!

Top Class Food




Jam Packed 

Nature Based Learning

Outdoor skills


and more…





“My son never ate vegetables at home until going to the Rewild Holiday Club - now he wants to help prepare food with me and is so much more open to trying new things” 
- Bream parent.

“I love going to Rewild during the holidays, I see all my rewild friends & I love playing with the real tools there, planting seeds and picking food to eat for dinner. We play tig, hide and seek, and pick apples”

“I would have loved to home educate my kids doing a nature based education, but I’m not able to right now. I absolutely love that my kids can get all the crafts and nature skills at Wildlings during the holidays, it’s an absolute lifeline to us as a respite from formal mainstream schools, they all love going so much and learn so much about growing food, and the crafts they come home with are amazing - not like any other children’s craft group I’ve ever seen. Thank you so much for all that you do in our com

- Local Parent

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Rekindle Youth AR - Actual Reality Easter Club!
to Apr 5

Rekindle Youth AR - Actual Reality Easter Club!

  • The Rewild Project Permaculture Allotment (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Every workshop we run is on a Sliding Scale for affordability.

  • Choose the rate that feels fair and affordable for YOUR family.

  • Fill lout the information form for each day.

  • For multiple days, you only need to add the name/DOB.

View Event →
Wildlings Easter Holiday Club
to Apr 5

Wildlings Easter Holiday Club

  • The Rewild Project Permaculture Allotment (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Send your little wildlings to join the REWILD team for a fun packed, creative

Spring ‘24 (Easter)
Holiday Club

at Noxon Permaculture Allotment


Each day we offer a range of

heritage crafts

nature and land based activities,

plus large scale play,

free & ‘risky’ play…


Top Class Outdoor / Nature Based Fun


Daily Rhythm

Each day is gently structured to provide enough time for your wildlings energy to flow

both inwards and outwards

coming together for:

circle times

Where we eat nourishing food together

exploring the senses,

the seasons

and listen to traditional & seasonal stories.

Lunch & Snacks Provided

First Class Food = First Class Fun

We know that nourishment is one of the most important factors in having a great day out.

Playing hard takes energy & low blood sugar can mean melt downs!! 

Plus good food means sending money back to the local growers

teaching our wildlings what WHOLE FOODS are

and how yummy they are is central to everything we do!

Hot Nourishing Food Included


wholesome morning snack 

Porridge with Fruit, cinnamon, seeds, honey or oatcakes / rice cakes / pancakes - including seeds, yogurt, dates and other healthy delights!


A nourishing afternoon snack 

of oat cakes or rice cakes, peanut butter, stewed fruit, fresh fruit, raisins, cheese, cucumber…

Talk about good food education!

We don’t just talk about it - we LIVE it. 

We Walk the walk, and lead by example & sooo many of our wildlings go home asking to help with the cooking, trying new things and understanding how to Eat a Rainbow!!

Something for Everyone

We have met the needs of many young people with additional needs here.

The unique open environment seems to suit kids who struggle in mainstream education and we are able to give them the space they need to find their place, without pressure.

We work with each family individually to make adjustments, or have a visit a few days before the club starts to ease nerves. We have quiet spaces and are very flexible.

If you’re not sure, get in touch, and we can discuss your child’s personal needs and how we can best meet them.


We always ensure we have a high staff:child ratio

well above the recommended OFSTED ratio’s.

We just don’t see how we can provide

  • high quality care

  • the high level of freedom & support

  • the high quality crafts that we do without this amazing team

Fair trade fair wages

We pay all our crew at £15ph across the board.

It feels fair to pay people a fair wage that they can live from.

We want to move towards a society where we can all contribute without the need for money,

living from the land, in harmony with the seasons.

But until we have our own land, our crew need to earn a decent wage.


Bring your young wild ones to hang out with our team:

Leah, Hannes, Emma, Yasmin & Jess

to have outdoor fun, crafts, egg hunt, painting and all the usual fun & frolics!

Top Class Food




Jam Packed 

Nature Based Learning





“My son never ate vegetables at home until going to the Rewild Holiday Club - now he wants to help prepare food with me and is so much more open to trying new things” 
- Bream parent.

“I love going to Rewild during the holidays, I see all my rewild friends & I love playing with the real tools there, planting seeds and picking food to eat for dinner. We play tig, hide and seek, and pick apples”

“I would have loved to home educate my kids doing a nature based education, but I’m not able to right now. I absolutely love that my kids can get all the crafts and nature skills at Wildlings during the holidays, it’s an absolute lifeline to us as a respite from formal mainstream schools, they all love going so much and learn so much about growing food, and the crafts they come home with are amazing - not like any other children’s craft group I’ve ever seen. Thank you so much for all that you do in our com

- Local Parent

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Gathering The Tribe Work Weekend
to Mar 24

Gathering The Tribe Work Weekend

  • The Rewild Project CIC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Are you: onboard with the REAL, RADICAL, Rewilding Movement?

(Not sure - Check Our Home Page)

Are you: Enthusiastic; Energetic; Keen to find your tribe & Rewild your Life?

Can you: muck in to get the job done?


Come and get involved at this spring work weekend

In return

  • We will feed some fantastic local and wild produce,

  • based on an ancestral / paleo diet

  • you will spend time in the beautiful Forest of Dean

  • learn about off-grid life as well as picking up handy skills.

We will show you some of our favourite forest spaces and take you for wild cold water plunges!

  • Followed by Qi Gong each morning,

  • We will sit around the fire each evening,

  • Nourish ourselves with stories & great food.

  • Sharing plans and welcoming in 2024.

Types of Jobs:
(To be reviewed and Decided on the Weekend)

  • Sanding kitchen worktops

  • Building Shelves

  • Hanging a door

  • Creating a level floor in kitchen with cordwood / cob.

  • Weeding

  • Building compost bins

  • Airing out canvases

  • Tidying Greenhouse

  • Planting seeds

  • Building new raised beds

We need you to book so that we can plan camping, food and make sure the weekend flows and is as productive as possible.

Help us to prepare for 2024

We are also looking for crew for our 2024 festival season
so this is the perfect way for us to get to know each other.


A Bit About Forest Gardening & Our Permaculture Allotment

There are soooo many ways to use the principles of Forest Gardening
- whether you have a small back yard, an allotment or a few acres or more.
These versatile principles, once learned can help you to plan a low maintenance, productive system, suited to your needs.

What can be better for the planet than that? All the materials you need - right at your fingertips.

Spending time at our 3/4 acre Demonstration Site
is the perfect way to build your knowledge.

Join us for this work weekend
and take in some Forest Garden Magic.


Lunches will be a hearty & wholesome affairs of homegrown, local & wild produce
Paleo & ancestral diets are how we like to roll
Steering well clear of industrialised mono cropped, destructive diets.

Do bring:

Home-baked / home-cooked / natural / healthy / low sugar dishes & goodies to share.

DO NOT bring:

Supermarket produce, overpackaged, over-processed, over-sweetened anything!

Work Weekend Programme


Arrive for shared meal.
Tour of the Forest Garden and Planning the weekend’s jobs & teams.

Fire & Sharing Circle


(Optional!) St Anthony’s Dip & QiGong

Hearty Breakfast at Noxon

Warm Up & Start Work


Evening Meal

Fire & Sharing Circle


St Anthony’s Dip & QiGong

Hearty Breakfast at Noxon

Warm up & Start Work


Closing Circle, snacks & farewell.

About Scott

Emma Gleave

The Setting

Our 3/4 acre bountiful Rewild Allotment cum Forest Garden needs some regular maintenance & spring cleaning!!

Originally set up 8 years ago as a nursery to stock other land projects around The Forest of Dean, this has now evolved into an amazing community space, Forest Garden / Food Forest used by many of The Rewild Project groups.

We have a glass house built by Shift Bristol from reclaimed materials, an outdoor kitchen, and an interesting array of edible perennials, annual polyculture crops and herbal medicinal plants.


Not only will you spend a day in fantastic company of The Rewild Team - going away with some new knowledge of how to set up and maintain your own forest garden, building important transferable key skills.

You will also get:

  • Knowledge of Forest Garden Plants for your garden.

  • Skills and knowledge to keep maintenance super simple yet yielding food and products

  • Plants to take away (when propagating has been taught)

  • Herbal Products to take away (when harvesting & creating products)

  • Foods & Ferments to take away (when fermenting is being taught)

And always you will go away with new contacts & friendships with people on the same path as you are.

And we hope you keep coming back to keep rewilding your life



We need to cover our costs for this weekend, and always offer a range of prices for affordability.
If you have some skills to share but would struggle to contribute for your food and camping, please get in touch and we will try to help.

Simply add to basket - fill out the form, then go to basket to complete the bookings.

Gathering The Tribe Work Weekend 22-24.03.24
from £5.00

A work weekend at the Rewild Permaculture Allotment, Noxon Farm, including meals & camping.

View Event →
Making the Most of Your Deer
11:00 AM11:00

Making the Most of Your Deer

The Course

Are you interested how traditional skills can shape a better future?

Have you ever wanted to pick up a road kill but didn't know if it was safe or legal?

Join us, in the heart of the Forest of Dean to learn the traditional skill of processing whole deer including hide tanning.

Using an entire intact deer you will first learn how to create a connection with the spirit of the animal, honouring and giving thanks for the animals life.

We will then discuss picking up roadkill and other ways to safely, ethically and legally source wild meat.

You will learn about various skinning and butchering techniques then looking at the anatomy and the organs to fully utilise for not just cooking and eating but also for tool making and other ancestral implements.

We will then move onto butchery and different ethos of cooking and eating and ways of preserving and you will even be able to take some delights away with you.

There will be discussions and demonstrations on the use of the skins and organic tanning methods,

You will have the opportunity to get involved in all aspects of the processing: grallocking, skinning, butchering and cooking.

We usually cook up a medley of delicious fresh organ meats and there will be an opportunity to take some fresh meat home with you - please bring cash or c ard.

About Scott

Leading this day is our skilled and experienced tanner and project Co-Director Scott Baine.

Scott has travelled across the world exploring, learning and practicing earth based ancestral skills.

He has learnt in the wilds of Scotland, Canada, USA, Sweden and Norway.

Being in contact with First Nations and Sami peoples brought him to a spiritual realisation. From this he joined a collective of likeminded people and formed a tribe living in the wilderness in Scandinavia. From here they organised DIY wilderness gatherings creating a unique environment for learning to happen.

Scott’s main focus on traditional tanning came from his time at renowned handicraft folk school in Sweden, which taught him to be resourceful not just with animal skins, but the whole animal being used as a means for surviving and thriving in the wild.

On his return to the UK, some 15 years ago Scott set up one of the UK’s only Ethical Organic Tanneries:

Teaching people in the Forest of Dean, and at festivals around the UK how to make use of waste from road kill, hunting and the food (waste) system. Sine then many others have followed suit - growing and reviving this fantastic, lineage and symbiosis with wild and domesticated animals

The Venue

This course is set at our off-grid 3/4 Acre Forest Garden / Permaculture Allotment. Here we have a fully kitted outdoor kitchen, uncover space, warm space and compost toilet.

The site may not be suitable for some people with physical disabilities - please get in touch if you are concerned.


The Rewild Project is a Not for Profit, Community Interest Company, and Social Enterprise. It is our mission to support local craftspeople and promote heritage craft skills.

We Rewild People by teaching skills in self reliance and resilience for an uncertain future.

After the craftspeople are paid, and costs are covered we put any profits back in to the community with our ‘weekday sessions for disadvantaged groups’ a lifeline for many local people who we pick up each day and bring to Kensley Sheds and others sites to build community, skills, and share nutritious hot, locally produced food.

Families & Children

You are welcome to bring well behaved children to this workshops, although we cannot guarantee you will have the same experience we will do our best to accommodate you all.

Children aged 9-12 will need a half price child’s ticket (add below) and will need to be accompanied by a full paying adult. 13 and over will need a full priced ticket, and will also nee to be accompanied by a full paying adult.

Sliding Scale Payment

We trust that you will choose the payment level that feels most appropriate. We aim to keep all our courses affordable, and the bursary places are subsidised by the full price places.

Child's Workshop Ticket
from £15.00
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Land Skills Fair 2023
to Jul 23

Land Skills Fair 2023

  • The Rewild Project CIC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Rewild Project are proud members and partners of The Landworkers Alliance - part of a global peasant farmers union of over 2 million people!

Growing every year The Rewild Project lead the Craft Village - bringing together over 40 traditional, skilled craftspeople offering taster sessions, demonstrations, and an all around fantastic vibe.

But whatever you come to the Land Skills Fair for - you will be sure to find friendly faces, open hearts and such a lot of knowledge and wisdom around land use, skills, land rights.

Plus some amazing bands to let your hair down and have a dance to at the end of the day.

Dont miss out - book your tickets now!

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Log Cabin Roundhouse Building Course
to Jul 2

Log Cabin Roundhouse Building Course

  • The Rewild Project Permaculture Allotment (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This is an extra special opportunity to join us in completing the experimental log cabin roundhouse build started in 2022.

Last year a group of 12 fantastic eco-builders in the making came together to learn a Norwegian Style Notch - we had a fantastic time learning to use the axes and working out angles - but the notch was so complex we didn’t finish!


This time round we have experimented with a simpler style of notch and built a few more layers - and will finish the roundhouse and put the roof on!!

Come and spend 4 days in the Beautiful Forest of Dean with us Rewilding yourself and honing these physical and enjoyable skills.

Building buildings, and building community, Rewilding ourselves.

Over the 4 days you will be fed local, organic and wild food, camp out together at a private camping field with full facilities, and learn all the skills needed to build your very own log cabin round house.

During your stay with us we will complete the build of a 6 sided, stacked wood cabin, with a reciprocal roof, you will receive a course booklet with handouts and information to take away.

Our fantastic chefs will provide breakfast, lunch, hot drinks and snacks throughout each day.


The knowledge and skills you will go away with:

Site Overview:

We will start the week with an overview of The Rewild Project 3/4 Acre Permaculture Allotment, and how the plot has been transformed and soil been build over 7 years using a Forest Garden, edible perennial growing system, chop and drop system.

Roundwood Building Techniques:

Discussion about various roundwood building techniques & options.

Reciprocal Roof

A reciprocal roof is a self-supporting spiral of timbers where each timber rests on the next and needs no central support. It leaves a round skylight that brings light into the room.


How to assess the suitability of subsoil for making cob, and how to determine the right ratios for making a strong, long lasting mix. We will then be applying this to the building through various methods.

Lime Render

A discussion on the benefits and applications of lime render.

Ground works:

Groundworks will already be in place prior to commencement of the course. We will discuss and evaluate different approaches and methods available for groundworks, foundations and what the environmental considerations would be.

Notches - Simple Lap Joints

These are quick easy joints which can easily be mastered by anyone using chisels, mallets & saws - tools that most people have to hand.

With 12 attendees you will split into groups of two to scribe one of the six sides each.

Straw Bale – Various methods of insulating & finishing walls will be discussed, one of which is straw bale construction.

We will be using Sweet Chestnut, coppiced locally by our social forestry team who are teaching local people new skills and bringing local disused Forestry England woodland back into rotation.

Throughout this course we aim to create a demonstration of how to build simply with local materials and create answers to the current housing, economic and ecological crisis.

More about your course leaders…

Scott Baine

Rewild Project Founder will be leading the course. Scott learned this building technique during his previous life living in the wild in Sweden.

Click on his picture to read more…

Emma Gleave

Will be on hand to support the build, and assist with organisations, logistic and is looking forward meeting new people and and the sense of achievement on completing a project.

Click on her picture to read more…


Book Here

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Spectrum Skills: Building with Cob
10:30 AM10:30

Spectrum Skills: Building with Cob

The Rewild Project is delighted to offer craft sessions for young people on the autistic spectrum.

Spectrum Skills sessions are specially designed to allow young people on the spectrum to spend a day learning a craft skills and be accompanied by their families or not, in a way that works for each individual & family.

The day will showcase the wonderfully diverse material of cob.

During this course you will get the chance to learn the history and future of cob building through hands on making. We will explore how to cob onto a pre-made wattled frame and learn the endangered heritage skill of brick making.

This course is an ideal introduction into eco-building, where you can take home the skills you have learned and apply them to your personal projects, for example pizza ovens and tiny home builds.


We are parents of young people with autistic traits and diagnosed autism. We know the difficulties families face and we are now delighted to have funding to help others where we had none. If you have any feedback about how we can improve sessions to make these more suitable & accessible for families.

  • Each session is limited to 5-6 attendees depending on the craft to keep the environment relatively quiet and calming, to prevent overwhelm.

  • We will never put any pressure on anyone to take part.

  • There will be 1 craftsperson (trained in supporting young people with autism) and 1 regular Rewild Project support person for continuity at the session and the day will run in a gentle and relaxed rhythm.

On the day

The workshop will be very informal and we welcome you to arrive anytime between 10:30 and 11. This will give you and your young person the chance to settle in, have a drink and snack and get to know the Spectrum Skills Team. At 11:15 we will give you a small introduction about the site and the craftsperson will introduce their craft for the day. Families are free to stay and join the workshop or go for a walk around the site.

The structure of the day is kept casual to suit the needs of the young people attending the workshop. This means if they would like to take a comfort break or have some alone time we will be able to support them in doing this.

We will break for a wholesome lunch, with ingredients grown from our permaculture allotment at 12:45pm where we invite the young people and families to sit around and have a natter. This is a great time for everyone to talk about shared experiences and what other exciting Spectrum Skills can provide!

After lunch the young people will continue to carry on with making until 3:30 where we will end our workshops. Young people are free to leave the workshop earlier or stay a little later to finish what they have made.

Please note: The young people on this course are likely to get pretty mucky! Make sure to wear suitable clothing

About Rosie

Rosie found her love for using natural materials whilst studying her degree. Rosie is focussed on sharing heritage crafts with children through the use of play – proving these traditional crafts aren’t just fossils from the past but sparks for the future to ignite new ideas and an interest in traditional making practices. With experience in Playwork and play facilitation through outdoor education and forest school, she is particularly passionate about engaging children who may not usually have access to the outdoors or an alternative, more supportive way of learning.

Spectrum Skills has been funded by NHS England to enable autistic young people to be supported to learn new skills and have specialist activities suited to their needs.

We are charging £10 nominal booking fee per place - which includes food for family members if they need to stay onsite or close by.

The Venue

This course is set at our off-grid woodland craft centre, Kensley Sheds, right in the heart of the beautiful Forest of Dean, situated on the famous Sculpture Trail, close to the Stained Glass Window and Wildlife Trust reserve ‘Woorgreen Lake’

Kensley Sheds is the home of our Social Forestry Project ‘New Leaf’. Here, local adults who are struggling with social issues come learn & practice new skills. We follow regenerative woodland management practices, to extract and process wood from disused Forestry England coppiced woodland. Here the wood is turned it into functional items, firewood and charcoal, giving people access to new careers and a sense of real community.

Kensley sheds has running water, a flushing disabled access toilet, onsite parking and is heated by wood-burner. You will be able to peruse our extensive library of eco / craft / alternative living books throughout the day

Any questions get in touch..

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An Exploration of Forest Gardening - Intro & Build a Solar Dehydrator
10:00 AM10:00

An Exploration of Forest Gardening - Intro & Build a Solar Dehydrator

Some say that the most RADICAL thing you can do is grow your own food & resources.

Maybe you’ve already tried & experienced set backs and failures in the past?

Or you just don’t have the time…

Or you’ve heard about forest gardening & want to have a go

but just don’t know where to start?

This workshop series aims to empower you with the information and real life, practical skills you need to revolutionise the way you see and practice growing your own foods and medicines…

The problem with our agricultural & growing models…

The problem is that the age of agriculture has taught us to DOMINATE nature, instead of working WITH nature.

Nature is POWERFUL and when we dominate her, she will always be looking for a way to rebalance.

Our model for the last 20,000 years or so has been to take, take & take some more

- from the soil & the earth.

Forest Gardening

Works is working in balance, helping the most useful wild and perennial plants to thrive over time.

Forest Gardening is a revival of sorts of these old ways - sometimes using new plants as our climate changes - plants, trees and shrubs that require very little maintenance.

This can be a base for a mixed polyculture of annuals and perennials, or can be part of a whole scale agro-forestry system.
(Agriculture with Forest!)

There are soooo many ways to use the principles of Forest Gardening
- whether you have a small back yard, an allotment or a few acres or more.
These versatile principles, once learned can help you to plan a low maintenance, productive system, suited to your needs.

What can be better for the planet than that? All the materials you need - right at your fingertips.

Of course there is more to it that that and we are here to guide and teach the ways we have learned along the way.

And show you our amazing 3/4 Acre Plot
and it’s evolution into the wild and delicious Food Forest it is today.

And how we are scaling this up to become a Land-Based Community of autonomous individuals, working collaboratively and collectively as part of a whole system design!

Join us for a day of Forest Garden Magic at our bountiful permaculture allotment.

The morning - For new Participants
Will be spent looking at forest garden theory and design principles.

Lunch will be a hearty & wholesome affair of homegrown, local & wild produce - Paleo diets, Veggie & Vegan all catered for.

Each afternoon we will get stuck in with some practical seasonal skills:

  • Summer pruning

  • Softwood cuttings for propagation

  • Summer chip bud grafting

  • Plant ID

  • Mulching techniques

  • Building beds

  • Solar dehydrator

  • How to plant a tree properly

  • Hardwood cuttings for propagation

  • Division for propagation

  • Winter pruning of fruit trees / Espaliers / fruit bushes

  • Winter grafting techniques

About Your Course Leader - Scott Baine

Emma Gleave

The Settings

Our 3/4 acre bountiful Rewild Allotment cum Forest Garden is the main setting for the course although from time to time we may run day’s at our other Forest Garden’s around The Forest of Dean - check each event for location details.

Originally set up 8 years ago as a nursery to stock other land projects around The Forest of Dean, this has now evolved into an amazing community space, Forest Garden / Food Forest used by many of The Rewild Project groups.

We have a glass house built by Shift Bristol from reclaimed materials, an outdoor kitchen, and an interesting array of edible perennials, annual polyculture crops and herbal medicinal plants.

Bonuses from The Workshop

Not only will you spend a day in fantastic company of The Rewild Team - going away with some new knowledge of how to set up and maintain your own forest garden, building important transferable key skills such as:

  • How to read your own landscape

  • Design Principles

  • Planting

  • Garden maintenance

You will also get:

  • A list of top Forest Garden Plants for your garden.

  • Knowledge of the best tools for the job

  • Skills and knowledge to keep maintenance super simple yet yielding food and products

  • Plants to take away (when propagating has been taught)

  • Herbal Products to take away (when harvesting & creating products)

  • Foods & Ferments to take away (when fermenting is being taught)

And always you will go away with new contacts & friendships with people on the same path as you are.

And we hope you keep coming back to learn more new skills each time

For repeat attendees

Because we will be teaching different skills each time, depending on the season - we will give the option of the group being split during the morning session - so that you can choose to do the

‘Introduction to Forest Garden’s’ teaching session with Scott


You can spend time on the allotment learning the practical skills with another member of the team, and engaging with the landscape.



Choose as many workshops as you like. Remember the introduction morning session does not need to be repeated for repeat attendees the series is designed to work as a 1 day introduction OR to keep coming back to learn more new skills each time!

Simply add to basket - fill out the form, then go to basket to complete the bookings.

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An Exploration of Forest Gardening - Intro
10:00 AM10:00

An Exploration of Forest Gardening - Intro

Some say that the most RADICAL thing you can do is grow your own food & resources.

Maybe you’ve already tried & experienced set backs and failures in the past?

Or you just don’t have the time…

Or you’ve heard about forest gardening & want to have a go

but just don’t know where to start?

This workshop series aims to empower you with the information and real life, practical skills you need to revolutionise the way you see and practice growing your own foods and medicines…

The problem with our agricultural & growing models…

The problem is that the age of agriculture has taught us to DOMINATE nature, instead of working WITH nature.

Nature is POWERFUL and when we dominate her, she will always be looking for a way to rebalance.

Our model for the last 20,000 years or so has been to take, take & take some more

- from the soil & the earth.

Forest Gardening

Works is working in balance, helping the most useful wild and perennial plants to thrive over time.

Forest Gardening is a revival of sorts of these old ways - sometimes using new plants as our climate changes - plants, trees and shrubs that require very little maintenance.

This can be a base for a mixed polyculture of annuals and perennials, or can be part of a whole scale agro-forestry system.
(Agriculture with Forest!)

There are soooo many ways to use the principles of Forest Gardening
- whether you have a small back yard, an allotment or a few acres or more.
These versatile principles, once learned can help you to plan a low maintenance, productive system, suited to your needs.

What can be better for the planet than that? All the materials you need - right at your fingertips.

Of course there is more to it that that and we are here to guide and teach the ways we have learned along the way.

And show you our amazing 3/4 Acre Plot
and it’s evolution into the wild and delicious Food Forest it is today.

And how we are scaling this up to become a Land-Based Community of autonomous individuals, working collaboratively and collectively as part of a whole system design!

Join us for a day of Forest Garden Magic at our bountiful permaculture allotment.

The morning - For new Participants
Will be spent looking at forest garden theory and design principles.

Lunch will be a hearty & wholesome affair of homegrown, local & wild produce - Paleo diets, Veggie & Vegan all catered for.

Each afternoon we will get stuck in with some practical seasonal skills:

  • Summer pruning

  • Softwood cuttings for propagation

  • Summer chip bud grafting

  • Plant ID

  • Mulching techniques

  • Building beds

  • Solar dehydrator

  • How to plant a tree properly

  • Hardwood cuttings for propagation

  • Division for propagation

  • Winter pruning of fruit trees / Espaliers / fruit bushes

  • Winter grafting techniques

About Your Course Leader - Scott Baine

Emma Gleave

The Settings

Our 3/4 acre bountiful Rewild Allotment cum Forest Garden is the main setting for the course although from time to time we may run day’s at our other Forest Garden’s around The Forest of Dean - check each event for location details.

Originally set up 8 years ago as a nursery to stock other land projects around The Forest of Dean, this has now evolved into an amazing community space, Forest Garden / Food Forest used by many of The Rewild Project groups.

We have a glass house built by Shift Bristol from reclaimed materials, an outdoor kitchen, and an interesting array of edible perennials, annual polyculture crops and herbal medicinal plants.

Bonuses from The Workshop

Not only will you spend a day in fantastic company of The Rewild Team - going away with some new knowledge of how to set up and maintain your own forest garden, building important transferable key skills such as:

  • How to read your own landscape

  • Design Principles

  • Planting

  • Garden maintenance

You will also get:

  • A list of top Forest Garden Plants for your garden.

  • Knowledge of the best tools for the job

  • Skills and knowledge to keep maintenance super simple yet yielding food and products

  • Plants to take away (when propagating has been taught)

  • Herbal Products to take away (when harvesting & creating products)

  • Foods & Ferments to take away (when fermenting is being taught)

And always you will go away with new contacts & friendships with people on the same path as you are.

And we hope you keep coming back to learn more new skills each time

For repeat attendees

Because we will be teaching different skills each time, depending on the season - we will give the option of the group being split during the morning session - so that you can choose to do the

‘Introduction to Forest Garden’s’ teaching session with Scott


You can spend time on the allotment learning the practical skills with another member of the team, and engaging with the landscape.



Choose as many workshops as you like. Remember the introduction morning session does not need to be repeated for repeat attendees the series is designed to work as a 1 day introduction OR to keep coming back to learn more new skills each time!

Simply add to basket - fill out the form, then go to basket to complete the bookings.

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Build a Cob Oven with Rosie : Three Day Course
to May 29

Build a Cob Oven with Rosie : Three Day Course

  • The Rewild Project CIC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come and visit the stunning Forest of Dean and learn a range of eco building skills.

This three day course will showcase the wonderfully diverse material of cob and how to build an oven using it.

During this course you will get the chance to learn the history and future of cob building through hands on making.

This course is an ideal introduction into eco-building, where you can take home the skills you have learned and apply them to your personal projects, for example pizza ovens and tiny home builds.

The Workshop

During these three days, we… We invite to you arrive half an hour early so you can grab a cup of something warm and get settled in. This is a great time to connect with like minded people and learn more about the project.

The workshop will start at 10:00am on each of the days

Day one: Building the base

Here, you will learn what is required for a strong base to build your oven on. Rosie will then support you in constructing the base and then you will build a frame for the oven.

Day two: Making Cob

With the guidance of Rosie you will learn what is required for a good cob mix. You will investigate how to find the best soils for your mix and where to source other local materials. You will make a cob mix and start to explore how cob can be used when fitting it around a frame.

Day Three: Finishing off

On day three you will finish off the oven.

Throughout the three days, we will break for a nutritious pot luck shared lunch. Please bring something to share with the group, or cash to contribute to our volunteer kitchen crew and local organic and wild ingredients.

Please note that this workshop will be run outside so make sure to wear weather appropriate clothing that you don’t mind getting mucky and sturdy shoes.

About Rosie

After discovering her passion for heritage crafts during her degree, Rosie started to share her skills with others in her community. She has turned the skills she has learned and taught herself into paid work and commissions with a special focus on using materials such as cob.

Rosie has a strong interest in eco architecture and permaculture. She is particularly inspired by Cob building, Straw bale building, market gardening, composting and other land-based practices. She believes that these traditional crafts aren’t just fossils from the past but sparks for the future to ignite new ideas and an interest in traditional making practices.

For more of Rosie’s work check out her website here.

The Venue

This course is set at our off-grid woodland craft centre, Kensley Sheds, right in the heart of the beautiful Forest of Dean, situated on the famous Sculpture Trail, close to the Stained Glass Window and Wildlife Trust reserve ‘Woorgreen Lake’

Kensley Sheds is the home of our Social Forestry Project ‘New Leaf’. Here, local adults who are struggling with social issues come learn & practice new skills. We follow regenerative woodland management practices, to extract and process wood from disused Forestry England coppiced woodland. Here the wood is turned it into functional items, firewood and charcoal, giving people access to new careers and a sense of real community.

Kensley sheds has running water, a flushing disabled access toilet, onsite parking and is heated by a wood-burner. You will be able to peruse our extensive library of eco / craft / alternative living books throughout the day


The Rewild Project is a Not for Profit, Community Interest Company, and Social Enterprise. It is our mission to support local craftspeople and promote heritage craft skills. We Rewild People by teaching these skills of self reliance and resilience for an uncertain future.

After the craftspeople are paid, and costs are covered we put any profits back in to the community with our ‘weekday sessions for disadvantaged groups’ a lifeline for many local people who we pick up each day and bring to Kensley Sheds and others sites to build community, skills, and share nutritious hot, locally produced food.

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Make an Asymetric Basket with Lin
10:00 AM10:00

Make an Asymetric Basket with Lin

The Course

Join us at our heritage craft centre, nestled into the diverse landscape of The Forest of Dean to learn basketry.

Be guided through the ancestral skill of basketry & creating a beautiful asymetric sturdy basket by our willow weaving specialist, Lin.

Lin has spent many years making and teaching willow crafts and is delighted to help more people learn this wonderful craft.

The course will explore explore the use of different varieties of willow and willow preparation. You will then learn how to make basket with a handle, suitable for foraging and harvesting other tasty delights.

This course is suitable for beginners and those who want to continue to hone their basketry skills with the support of a skilled craftsperson and is always a wonderful, relaxing and enjoyable day in great surroundings.

The Workshop

On the day of the workshop we invite to you arrive half an hour early so you can grab a cup of something warm, and get to know Kensley Sheds and The Rewild crew.

The workshop will start at 10:00 and Lin will guide you through the history of basketry, the uses of different willow varieties and help you to start you basket.

After a short comfort break and demonstration, you will continue to weave your berry baskets.

We will break for a wholesome lunch, with ingredients grown from our permaculture allotment (where possible) at 12:45pm. Our kitchen follows pay what you think it is worth principles (bring some cash).

After lunch you will continue to create your baskets with Lin’s specialist support. By the end of the day you will have achieved a stunning basket that will be ideal for foraging a range of delicious wild edibles.

At 4:30pm we will end our workshop and invite you to provide us with any feedback you may have, so we can continue to develop our courses to continue to inspire you in the future.

Please note that this workshop will be run outside so make sure to wear weather appropriate clothing and sturdy shoes.

The Venue

This course is set at our off-grid woodland craft centre, Kensley Sheds, right in the heart of the beautiful Forest of Dean, situated on the famous Sculpture Trail, close to the Stained Glass Window and Wildlife Trust reserve ‘Woorgreen Lake’.

Kensley Sheds is the home of our Social Forestry Project ‘New Leaf’. Here, local adults who are struggling with social issues come learn & practice new skills. We follow regenerative woodland management practices, to extract and process wood from disused Forestry England coppiced woodland. Here the wood is turned it into functional items, firewood and charcoal, giving people access to new careers and a sense of real community.

Kensley sheds has running water, a flushing disabled access toilet, onsite parking and is heated by wood-burner. You will be able to peruse our extensive library of eco / craft / alternative living books throughout the day


Child's Workshop Ticket
from £15.00
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Spectrum Skills: Willow Weaving
10:30 AM10:30

Spectrum Skills: Willow Weaving

The Rewild Project is delighted to offer craft sessions for young people on the autistic spectrum.

Spectrum Skills sessions are specially designed to allow young people on the spectrum to spend a day learning a craft skills and be accompanied by their families or not, in a way that works for each individual & family.

Willow Weaving

Willow weaving is one of the oldest crafts which traces back at least 10,000 years. It is also one of the most therapeutic and calming crafts with repetitive gentle movements which help to calm the mind whilst keeping hands busy.

This spectrum skills session will be a beginners introduction with some easy willow projects such as willow stars or bird feeders.

About Lin

Lin has been interested in Willow Weaving nearly all her life, and began teaching in the forest 13 year ago, after having a break when she had children. Lin enjoys teaching community groups and keeping this ancient and important skill alive.


We are parents of young people with autistic traits and diagnosed autism. We know the difficulties families face and we are now delighted to have funding to help others where we had none. If you have any feedback about how we can improve sessions to make these more suitable & accessible for families.

  • Each session is limited to 5-6 attendees depending on the craft to keep the environment relatively quiet and calming, to prevent overwhelm.

  • We will never put any pressure on anyone to take part.

  • There will be 1 craftsperson (trained in supporting young people with autism) and 1 regular Rewild Project support person for continuity at the session and the day will run in a gentle and relaxed rhythm.

On the day

The workshop will be very informal and we welcome you to arrive anytime between 10:30 and 11. This will give you and your young person the chance to settle in, have a drink and snack and get to know the Spectrum Skills Team. At 11:15 we will give you a small introduction about the site and the craftsperson will introduce their craft for the day. Families are free to stay and join the workshop or go for a walk around the site.

The structure of the day is kept casual to suit the needs of the young people attending the workshop. This means if they would like to take a comfort break or have some alone time we will be able to support them in doing this.

We will break for lunch at 12:45pm where we invite the young people and families to sit around and have a natter. This is a great time for everyone to talk about shared experiences and what other exciting Spectrum Skills can provide!

After lunch the young people will continue to carry on with making until 3 where we will end our workshops. Young people are free to leave the workshop earlier or stay a little later to finish what they have made.

About Michelle

Michelle is an author, publisher, and creative, who is obsessed with letterpress printing and everything that goes with it! She has been printing for three years, and in that time has started making her own paper from recycled fabrics, yarns and junk mail, to create unique prints.

She also enjoys many other creative pursuits, including knitting, sewing, crochet, and photography.

Spectrum Skills has been funded by NHS England to enable autistic young people to be supported to learn new skills and have specialist activities suited to their needs.

We are charging £10 nominal booking fee per place - which includes food for family members if they need to stay onsite or close by.

The Venue

This course is set at our off-grid woodland craft centre, Kensley Sheds, right in the heart of the beautiful Forest of Dean, situated on the famous Sculpture Trail, close to the Stained Glass Window and Wildlife Trust reserve ‘Woorgreen Lake’

Kensley Sheds is the home of our Social Forestry Project ‘New Leaf’. Here, local adults who are struggling with social issues come learn & practice new skills. We follow regenerative woodland management practices, to extract and process wood from disused Forestry England coppiced woodland. Here the wood is turned it into functional items, firewood and charcoal, giving people access to new careers and a sense of real community.

Kensley sheds has running water, a flushing disabled access toilet, onsite parking and is heated by wood-burner. You will be able to peruse our extensive library of eco / craft / alternative living books throughout the day

Any questions get in touch..

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1 Day Introduction to Cob Building with Rosie
10:00 AM10:00

1 Day Introduction to Cob Building with Rosie

Come and visit the stunning Forest of Dean and learn a range of eco building skills.

The day will showcase the wonderfully diverse material of cob.

During this course you will get the chance to learn the history and future of cob building through hands on making. We will explore how to cob onto a pre-made wattled frame and learn the endangered heritage skill of brick making.

This course is an ideal introduction into eco-building, where you can take home the skills you have learned and apply them to your personal projects, for example pizza ovens and tiny home builds.

The Workshop

On the day of the workshop we invite to you arrive half an hour early so you can grab a cup of something warm, and get to know Kensley Sheds and The Rewild crew.

The workshop will start at 10:00am where you will explore the history of Cob and how it is shaping the bright and viable future of eco-building.

With the guidance of Rosie you will learn what is required for a good cob mix. You will investigate how to find the best soils for your mix and where to source other local materials.

After a short comfort break and demonstration, you will then start to create your mix and make cob bricks.

12:45pm - Break for lunch - Bring & share pot luck.

After lunch you will continue to make cob and start to explore how cob can be used when fitting it around a pre-made frame.

At 4:00pm we will end our workshop and invite you to provide us with any feedback you may have, so we can continue to develop our courses to continue to inspire you in the future.

Please note that this workshop will be run outside so make sure to wear weather appropriate clothing that you don’t mind getting mucky and sturdy shoes.

About Rosie

After discovering her passion for heritage crafts during her degree, Rosie started to share her skills with others in her community. She has turned the skills she has learned and taught herself into paid work and commissions which a special focus on using materials such as cob.

Rosie has a strong interest in eco architecture and permaculture. She is particularly inspired by Cob building, Straw bale building, market gardening, composting and other land-based practices. She believes that these traditional crafts aren’t just fossils from the past but sparks for the future to ignite new ideas and an interest in traditional making practices.

For more of Rosie’s work check out her website here.

The Venue

This course is set at our off-grid woodland craft centre, Kensley Sheds, right in the heart of the beautiful Forest of Dean, situated on the famous Sculpture Trail, close to the Stained Glass Window and Wildlife Trust reserve ‘Woorgreen Lake’

Kensley Sheds is the home of our Social Forestry Project ‘New Leaf’. Here, local adults who are struggling with social issues come learn & practice new skills. We follow regenerative woodland management practices, to extract and process wood from disused Forestry England coppiced woodland. Here the wood is turned it into functional items, firewood and charcoal, giving people access to new careers and a sense of real community.

Kensley sheds has running water, a flushing disabled access toilet, onsite parking and is heated by a wood-burner. You will be able to peruse our extensive library of eco / craft / alternative living books throughout the day


The Rewild Project is a Not for Profit, Community Interest Company, and Social Enterprise. It is our mission to support local craftspeople and promote heritage craft skills. We Rewild People by teaching these skills of self reliance and resilience for an uncertain future.

After the craftspeople are paid, and costs are covered we put any profits back in to the community with our ‘weekday sessions for disadvantaged groups’ a lifeline for many local people who we pick up each day and bring to Kensley Sheds and others sites to build community, skills, and share nutritious hot, locally produced food.

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Deer Craft and Cooking
10:30 AM10:30

Deer Craft and Cooking

The Course

Are you interested how traditional skills can shape a better future?

Building on our super popular: Making the Most of Your Deer Course - this is day 2! You can book both days together, or take this as a stand alone day.

Join us at our off-grid heritage craft centre, in the heart of the Forest of Dean to learn the traditional skill of processing whole deer including hide tanning.

Following on from day 1 , where we honoured a whole intact deer, then learned skinning and butchering techniques - we will dive deeper into the items you can craft with the skin, organs, sinews and bones - as well as learning some outdoor cooking techniques.

You can take this day as a stand alone, whether you have previously taken ‘Making the Most of your Deer’ or not - although it helps to have done this.

Some of the crafts we will look at are: Working with the skin - different methods for preservation of skins - raw hide, bark and brain tanning; you will learn how to flesh the hide and prepare a bark tanning solution using bark from the sweet chestnut coppice we manage locally; leather craft, how to find sinew and skin to sew with, bone tools.

Cooking and meat preservation: Smoking and drying - tips and tricks.

Leading this day is our skilled and experienced tanner and company Co-Director Scott Baine. Scott has travelled the world extensively learning and developing his skills and knowledge in ancestral wisdom.

About Scott

Scott has travelled across the world to learn earth and survival skills. He has learnt in the wilds of Scotland, Canada, USA, Sweden and Norway. Being in contact with First Nations and Sami brought him a realisation spiritual and physically. He joined a collective and formed a tribe living in the wilderness in Scandinavia from here they organised DIY wilderness gatherings to create a environment for learning to happen. His main focus on traditional tanning at a renowned handicraft folk school in Sweden taught him to be resourceful with animal skins and set up a ethical organic Tannery to teach people how to make use of waste from road kill, hunting and the food system

The Venue

This course is set at our off-grid woodland craft centre, Kensley Sheds, right in the heart of the beautiful Forest of Dean, situated on the famous Sculpture Trail, close to the Stained Glass Window and Wildlife Trust reserve ‘Woorgreen Lake’

Kensley Sheds is the home of our Social Forestry Project ‘New Leaf’. Here, local adults who are struggling with social issues come learn & practice new skills. We follow regenerative woodland management practices, to extract and process wood from disused Forestry England coppiced woodland. Here the wood is turned it into functional items, firewood and charcoal, giving people access to new careers and a sense of real community.

Kensley sheds has running water, a flushing disabled access toilet, onsite parking and is heated by wood-burner. You will be able to peruse our extensive library of eco / craft / alternative living books throughout the day


The Rewild Project is a Not for Profit, Community Interest Company, and Social Enterprise. It is our mission to support local craftspeople and promote heritage craft skills. We Rewild People by teaching these skills of self reliance and resilience for an uncertain future.

After the craftspeople are paid, and costs are covered we put any profits back in to the community with our ‘weekday sessions for disadvantaged groups’ a lifeline for many local people who we pick up each day and bring to Kensley Sheds and others sites to build community, skills, and share nutritious hot, locally produced food.

Families & Children

You are welcome to bring well behaved children to this workshops, although we cannot guarantee you will have the same experience we will do our best to accomodate you all.

Children aged 9-12 will need a half price child’s ticket (add below) and will need to be accompanied by a full paying adult. 13 and over will need a full priced ticket, and will also nee to be accompanied by a full paying adult.

Child's Workshop Ticket
from £15.00
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