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The Rewild Project CIC is a Community Interest Company based in the Forest of Dean specialising in environmental education and ecological restoration. Since 2015 our collective has been on a mission to revive traditional land-based skills and reconnect people to living in harmony with nature through community growing projects, craft workshops and courses. We are egalitarian mix of heritage craftspeople, organic growers, eco builders, woodsman, eco therapists and healers. Each experienced member off out team is keen to share their specialised skills together we are greater than the sum of our parts. Knowledge is the new currency. Our collective skills and experience compliment each other forming a symbiotic, sustainable whole system approach to creating a harmonious way of life and resilient communities.


Together we will create a world-leading environmental education centre, in which the collaboration of the working collectives in an egalitarian approach is guided by our common sense values and ethos to deliver the solutions that we are committed to. We aim to create an inspirational, working model of an equal opportunities, supportive and solution minded community of land based work. Building our own homes from local materials and practising our skills on the land. Living with the land and within the natural cycles of the year.


Forestry England,, Forester Forest, Heritage Fund, West Dean Parish Council, Orchard Trust ,Coleford Town Council, Gloscol, Harm Reduction Team, Gloucestershire Constabulary, Social Services, Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) and Community Mentoring and Support (CMAS).


Forest of Dean Food Hub, Transition Towns, Blakeney Hill Growers, Angus Buchanan trust, Dean Heritage Museum. Berry Hill community Orchard, Shift Bristol, Feed Bristol, Be Wilder.


We work with GCHQ. Two Rivers, Probation Services & Suntory to achieve their Social and environmental responsibility aims.

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We use a decision making process based on Sociocracy 3.0, embracing consensus and consent. Each working group works autonomously, sharing responsibility and feeding into the wider group. We put more emphasis on learning, since every team member needs to understand our finances, evaluation methods, legal structure and everything in between to make informed decisions. We find it helpful to share the workload, celebrate successes and talk through challenges, knowing that we all take equal responsibility for the outcome of any decision.


All our energy is with the intention of sharing and teaching our skills and knowledge. We make room for learning to happen in all that we do across the spectrum from homeschooling to conventional education models. Offering affordable sliding scale and free workshops with Forester Forest with Heritage Fund and with the Forestry England, to locals and being out in the community consulting/facilitating and building food systems locally. Our Rekindle youth programme works with pre-excluded young people and harm reduction unit.


Our dedicated team of organic growers want to promote the wide range of organic growing techniques, using these to promote food security in the local area whether this be the formation of allotments, biodynamic market gardens or edible forest gardens our team are passionate about empowering people to grow their own food. As part of this, we provide consultation, design and education services to a wide range of organisations from individuals to business and education providers. using design styles to best suit the client we are specialists in permaculture and agro-regenerative principles and can adapt to all landscapes. We supply lost cost seedlings from our nursery, making our services affordable and accessible for all.


Working with local businesses to provide work days on community projects, seminars and talks about how to rewild their businesses and themselves. By offering these services to businesses, we want to build sustainable relationships with them and give practical environmental solutions to real world business problems. We hope that this will expand to community projects that are led by these business partners, integrating them with their local communities.


We are looking at nutrition and natural remedies from ancestral perspectives, with highly qualified homeopaths and nutritionists we want to encourage people engaging with the Project to approach their well being using nature as inspiration. We want to protect natural water sources, mapping them and recording their histories for future generations. By promoting body movement practices and body work therapy, our experienced practitioners want to help heal and improve peoples’ quality of life. Using eco Shamanic practices, art, performance and music as methods of self expression, learning and healing.


Our craft crew are skilled in a range of handicrafts offering a fantastic variety of workshops and courses to the public. They are passionate about sharing and preserving these skills for future generations and are actively expanding their skills into endangered crafts such as coppersmithing and organic tanning. We can offer greenwood work, woodland skills, primitive skills and technology, bushcraft, blacksmithing, metalwork, ethical organic tanning, spinning and carding wool, dying and textiles production and ceramics. SOCIAL FORESTRY We promote a permaculture approach to sustainable woodland management, offering design and consultancy, woodland management, tree surgery and arborist services as well as timber and wood sales. We have established an all female coppice team, promoting under represented female roles in forestry. We engage with disadvantaged groups teaching them these skills as part of The New Leaf Social Forestry Project. By bringing an atmosphere of community and skill sharing to these people we hope to empower them by giving them real world applicable skills with a support framework of like minded people. ECO BUILDING Using locally sourced sustainable materials, our building team can design and build low impact dwellings. We want more people to engage with their surroundings and nothing is more satisfying than building your own home, we can offer timber frame, straw bale, rammed earth, shepherds huts and log cabins. We want to showcase these dwellings as affordable alternatives to conventional building practices and work with architects and eco materials on new innovations. eco events, performance and ceremonies Our Eco art practitioners includes artists, scientists, philosophers and activists who often collaborate on restoration, remediation and public awareness projects. They then fully engage your senses through performances with a conscientiousness. We will be offering a range of affordable and accessible Eco Events, from Weddings and Funerals for the community to meetings and small conferences and providing events that don’t cost the earth.
