Become a Member Today!


There’s no better way to support us, than with a monthly membership.

Together we can help people to find their niche in nature once again, learning the skills needed to integrate with the landscape

- in balance, for the benefit of animals, tree’s AND people.

We want to share with you, our Vital, Radical, Regenerative, Rewilding Mission!

Community Craft Sessions

Sustainable Products

Self Reliance

Edible Landscapes

We have run over 200 open access community engagement days based in The Forest of Dean, aimed at local disadvantaged groups such as people with mental health challenges, addiction and housing issues, carers and socially isolated - anyone who needs some community and new skills in their life!

Our mission is to create a better world, and a fairer way of organising society - we are laying the groundwork for having our own communally owned land, where we can truly become resilient for an unknown future.

Join the movement, with a monthly or annual donation and know that your money is going directly into supporting the vital work that we are doing.