Growing Futures Meeting Minutes - Wednesday 1st Sept 21

Present – Amy, Beki, Emma D, Kasia and Kermit

Apologies- Scott, Emma G and Anna

Introductions and how members came into contact with the Rewild Project.


Beki gave the group an update on how they are currently working, Anna leading Lydney and Beki Bream and Parkend.  

Beki discussed the situation with Jer, the current assistant, his work days have changed meaning he can no longer work with the Growing Futures team but is keen to be considered in the future should delivery start in schools on the days he is not working.

Amy briefly covered the funding available for Growing Futures, pay for growers and assistants and the materials budget.

Beki reports that things are going well, the summer holiday club having mixed success in different schools, all the gardens are progressing, Beki mentioning Bream school still having a lot to work to do.  Beki has been in touch with Foresters Forest about the pond at Bream and hopes to have more to report about this at the next meeting.  

Bream school has some funding to build some raised beds in their garden, Amy suggested that this could be a project that Rekindle could help with.  Kermit discussed the kinds of young people Rekindle is currently interacting with, group agreed this idea should be explored, Beki agreed to speak to the school.

Email Addresses

Amy asked if Beki had managed to use her rewild email address, Beki said no and reported having problems using the growing futures email address also, Amy to speak Emma G for further advice.

New Schools

The group discussed potential new schools ready for the January expansion, Amy pointed out that geographically the current schools are in close proximity to each other and that it would nice to try and spread out across the Forest of Dean some more.  Kasia mentioned that she had previously worked in the garden at Wollaston school, stating they had good infrastructure but the garden had been neglected in the past couple of years due to parents leaving the school.  The group briefly discussed Woolaston as a possibility but ruled it out as demographically it is a relatively well off area and would prefer to work with a school with a greater need.  Berry Hill Primary School had been mentioned in the past as a possibility, especially due to it’s proximity to The community orchard, Amy to ask Scott if he has a contact for the school.         

The growing futures plan included the introduction of a secondary school in year 2, Beki mentioned that Forest High in Cinderford may be a good option, Amy explained that there had been previous discussions with Forest High and that they are open to a growing project of some description on the school grounds.  During initial meeting Scott was keen to take the lead with a secondary school, Amy to ask him if this is still the case.


Group discussed agreements that had previously been drafted, Amy to circulate this with the minutes for final round of feedback from the group.

Emma G has drafted a fair hiring agreement, the group had not had chance to read this document, neither has the logistics circle, Amy to circulate with the minutes for feedback and opinions.


There are currently vacancies for assistant growers within the project, Emma D and Kasia are both interested in these positions, Kasia is going to fill in some hours to provide cover while agreements are decided.  A rough plan has been put in place for Emma D to help with Bream on Tuesdays and Kasia on Weds in the long term, however the group needs to read and agree upon the fair hiring agreement and abide by any terms within this document.

Anna emailed an update that included someone who was also interested in being an assistant, Amy said that it would be good meet her at the next meeting.


Beki has given Amy the memory card to put pictures in the rewild drive, also a lady called Sarah from Lydney has emailed pictures to a growing futures email address.  Amy to discuss with Emma G and both to see if they can find pictures.

Final Round

Gratitude was expressed to everyone for finding the time to meet and Kasia thanked the group for the extra information and greater understanding of how the project worked.  Group agreed the meeting went well.

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