Permaculture Allotment - Growing Futures Groups

We’ve had a lovely few weeks on the rewild permaculture allotment plot lately - the sun has been shining and we’ve been looking for signs of spring - the elder tree’s are budding, the daffodils are popping up, and even some little nettle shoots!

The kids ave been enjoying water play, mud kitchen, inspecting the pond, making seed bombs and all the usual fun :-)

There are many jobs to do on the plot - we’ve already patched up some of the green house with poly tunnel material, and given the kitchen a good blitz.

Over the next half term we are continuing our 

*Wednesday morning sessions: 9.30am-11.25 

and starting a new:

*Tuesday After School Group 3.30pm-5pm.

We are inviting you all, as parents to join us either throughout the sessions or for a couple of hours afterwards to get on top of the jobs that need doing:

- Weeding & brambling (before they go crazy!)

- More building works on the greenhouse to close up the entrance next to the toilet (we will use the door at the front only)

- Moving sand into the new sandpit

- Mulching beds

- Repair works to raised beds

- Planting seeds

- Sanding the kitchen worktop (its gotten quite damp and dingy over winter and looking quite sad - belt sander provided)

This is an exciting time of year and we are laying the groundwork for an abundant harvest of organic wonderful fruit and vegetables that we can all harvest, preserve and enjoy together!

Any other side projects you would like to suggest - come and chat!

Please book your places here soon and share with any friends & family who might also like to join.

Wednesday Mornings

Tuesday Afternoons

And our Rekindle Home Education sessions are still going strong.  These are for ages 10-16 and are now running from Angus Buchanan and the Noxon Permaculture Allotment, we are really counting our blessings for all the amazing support we have received from you all through these tricky times and look forwards to coming out the other side.  

Also our open access craft days are running from Angus Tuesdays and Wednesdays (although one day may move to Noxon now the weather is improving, and especially once the greenhouse is fully closed up)

- get in touch if you want to pop in and try your hand at a new heritage craft skill!

Love & spring blessings from all of us

Emma, Scott, Sam, Sarah, Fran & all the rest of the behind the scenes amazing crew!

The Rewild Project Team

Connecting People to Nature

Emma Gleave1 Comment