End of Tuesday Sessions - Farewell Party & Reflections

Sadly we have been unable to secure funding for our weekday sessions, which Fran has done an amazing job of running over the past 18 months it is really sad that we are not able to offer these support sessions to local residents, and work for craftspeople any more.

Sam is also moving on to pastures anew - creating a community garden for ex female prisoners - how amazing!

We hope to still continue to work with both Sam & Fran on our various projects, including Rekindle Youth.

We will endeavour to keep looking for funding, but our attention is turning more and more toward securing our own land on which education, crafts and regenerative farming will play a big role.

It’s also worth reflecting on whether following the funding is the best way to create community resilience - if we are dependant on these hand outs - whether it be from governments / councils or local charities then we are also somewhat in their pockets, to be cancelled and dismissed when we are being attacked and out of favour!

Have we handed over our sovereignty without realising?

Our intentions were good - to teach important skills to the local community, and provide work to craftspeople - who are always struggling to make ends meet from their important skills.

Always we have said that the goal is to create a land based community - an eco village of land-workers and craftspeople who can be free from the broken economic system.

We hoped to do this in partnership with other organisations who share our goals…

… Apparently this overlaps woith Forestry Englands ‘Our Shared Forest Policy!!’

and Barnwood Trusts focus on mental health & community wellbeing.!!


We ultimately and genuinely believe that the universe has her plan and there are many lessons in life’s journey. We believe in our mission and stay open to infinite possibilities !!!

Bring on the next part of the journey for us, Fran, Sam and everyone else involved with The Rewild Project.

Thank you all for playing your part

Thank you for all the lessons learned, and growth that has happened.