Wildlings Half Term Success

What a fabulous time we had during summer half term holidays!

We had quite a few new faces as well as some children we have known for the past 3 or 4 years, its so amazing to watch them grow up and thrive - interacting with the allotment in new ways & familiar ways.

Some of the highlights for me was seeing some of the young people who struggled with circle time, find the confidence to join in; the marble / drainpipe team building game; cob building, flower bunting, copper jewellery making, balm making; crazy tag; dinner times going really well… and so much more.

We are so looking forward to the summer holidays now & are waiting on the HAF funding being confirmed - but either way we are going to advertise 10 paid places per day as we’ve been asked so much about being open to non free school meals children too.

Thank you to all the parents, and all our amazing team!